Target HIt: BitCoin Hits 7000 DAX 500 Points Down

Target HIt: BitCoin Hits 7000 DAX 500 Points Down

This is a Video I Made and shared with the members today. Towards the end of the video, I predicted DAX might drop another 300 points.

Guess what happened? WATCH THE VIDEO

This is a private video I would share with my friends in Skype Only. But here I share it with you because it has interesting point. Hope you like it. 

And Did Exactly that

And of course

BitCoin becomes ShitCoin for now Predictions Predictions lol 

I predicted on the 8th of January that BitCoin will drop to 8000. My Friends Laughed at me. At the time it was around $15000. It was a laugh indeed but the System, AIMS Stress Free Trading System, spotted the opportunity (or threat who are invested in it). And it did exactly that in 4 weeks.

This Picture is from the post below made on the 8th of January 2018.

BitCoint to Drop to 8k Prediction Click on Image to go to that post

And Again on the 1st of Feb last week.

Link Here

And Today It HITS it

AIMS Stress Free Trading –