A quick trade then head to the beach

A quick trade then head to the beach

I don’t like showing trades like these as such but these are not something to imporess anyone. I only record these for my own purposes. That’s what I’ve been doing for years. I just share some bits of my journal in the forum or here. Don’t want to bore everyone with details. Perhaps some details are too personal to share as well.

The following is a clip of a trade that was identified on H1 and taken on M5. Now I could have taken this setup to run on h1 but I had to do something and do quick. I was going to be out all day, or most of it. I wanted enjoy the sun out near the sea. And I did. But before that I saw GBP/USD breakout and hten a couple of h1 candles moved sideways .Perfect scenario for what we call the PPP. [Push Pull Push = elliott wave = simple = enjoy]

Basically you want to see momentum and trend on h1. Then drop to M5 to find Setup 1. and Bang…

[Gator is your trend. plus if you know how to read AIMS Wave or AO or snorms eWave then you have extra information based on the Science of Chaos not just a simple moving average]

#gbpusd a good trade to catch quick 2% profit not bad at all for 10 minutes of work #enjoysummer 

AIMS Stress Free Trading – http://www.iTradeAIMS.com