The Power of C=P*D

The Power of C=P*D

Trading Requires Consistency and 
Consistency = Patience + Discipline 

Learning to trade in the beginning is akin to learning to drive. 
When you’re learning, in the beginning your Left Brain gets engaged. You use the concious part of your brain. The Left analytic, problem solving brain. You are in the concious level. So you are aware of every move. and that is difficult. But this you must do and with enough repetition which means Patience and Discipline, you get it. 

Once you’ve mastered driving you don’t have to know which gear you’re in. Heck you even cant tell whether you’ve passed that bridge or not. Because you may have gone in a trance and memory retrieval function stops during most trances. It just all happens automatically. You start ‘Enjoying’ the process and stop paying attention to the details. You enjoy the experience of driving and the concious brain engages itself in other stuff. So who drives the car? The right brain. This activity when mastered is passed on to the automatic more powerful brain. That is all done in the Right Brain and so it becomes part of your mental programming and then comes the time when you become an Automatic Robotic Trader. 

With this in mind, now suppose that you are able to somehow ‘Create’ a solution to get rid of Fear and Anxiety. e.g. by applying simple mind techniques you can achieve the amazing state of mind called The Zone. When in the zone, you are in the now. You are having a blast, you are focused and still relaxed and really enjoying yourself in the present moment. Then, “You know without knowing how you know”. 

Surprisingly there are simple tools and techniques that can help one get in and out of the zone. but who wants to get out of the zone aye? 

Remember that nothing can be undone in this universe. The only thing you can do to avoid Fear and Anxiety is to divert your focus from “What You Do Not Want” (in this case Fear and Anxiety) to “What You Want”. Once you know “What You Do Not Want” the next step becomes easy. You divert your attention from What You Do Not Want and Focus on the opposite of it ‘What you Want’. 

So, what is it that you Do Not Want?  
Fear, Anxiety, Stress  = Losses 

Ok, Now What is the opposite of What You Do Not Want? 
Relaxed, Focused, Joyful, Stress-Free Mind = Profits

If you want to get rid of Fear and Anxiety in trading then FOCUS on Joy and Relaxation and apply techniques that bring you to the state of joy and avoid the actions that may induce fear and anxiety. Don’t even talk about anything ‘that you do not want’.

We have shared a technique in the Mind section which is simple but powerful and very effective. 

Enjoy Your Trading and Have a Great Rest of the Weekend! 

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

AIMS Stress Free Trading –