Our Master Mind Group Chat

Our Master Mind Group Chat

Just to share something from our Trading Room

[11:30:53] iTradeAIMS.com: WE cannot ask market to give us what we want. though if we are prepared to give and take what the “market” wants us to give and take, we could get more than we ever imagined

[11:31:28] iTradeAIMS.com: I asked the market to give me certain and it gave me, but had i listend tomarket today, i#d have made over 200 pips.

[11:32:14] iTradeAIMS.com: but on other days, the market wants to take. and beleive me it does not take 200 pips, it takes 20-40 pips. if you take all the signals. but if you take all the signals of days like today it gievs you so much…

the picture will show I could have turned those 3 entries into a lot more…but I’m satisfied with that result. In fact i am grateful and thankful. I am  extremely grateful that I can do this and even share it with others so they could learn.

AIMS Stress Free Trading – http://www.iTradeAIMS.com